Notes & Instructions

Today’s strategy is to showcase a happy client and how you helped them to encourage your audience to use or refer your services. Be sure to share the review to your stories as well.

Strategy Type


Strategy Day

Day 29

Notes & Instructions

Today’s strategy is to showcase a happy client and how you helped them to encourage your audience to use or refer your services. Be sure to share the review to your stories as well.

Strategy Type


Strategy Day

Day 29

Recommended Caption (copy & paste)


[Put your client’s testimonial]

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✉ Your email address
🌐 Your Website
🏢 Your Brokerage

Recommended Hashtags

#clienttestimonial #clientreview #homebuying #sellingyourhome #CITYrealtor #CITYrealestate

Recommended Caption (copy & paste)


[Put your client’s testimonial]

Follow me for all things [CITY] & real estate 👍

Buy | Sell | Lease | Invest

📱 – Your Number
✉ – Your email address
🌐 – Your Website
🏢 – Your Brokerage

Recommended Hashtags

#clienttestimonial #clientreview #homebuying #sellingyourhome #CITYrealtor #CITYrealestate