Notes & Instructions

Today’s strategy is a “Did you know.” Give an interest fact about your local real estate market that will encourage your audience to buy or sell their home. This will showcase you as the real estate expert. Use on of the editable templates provided or record a short video talk about the fact. This would make a great TikTok, Reel, or Short. Be sure to adjust your hashtags accordingly and share this with your stories.

Strategy Type


Strategy Day

Day 23

Notes & Instructions

Today’s strategy is a “Did you know.” Give an interest fact about your local real estate market that will encourage your audience to buy or sell their home. This will showcase you as the real estate expert. Use on of the editable templates provided or record a short video talk about the fact. This would make a great TikTok, Reel, or Short. Be sure to adjust your hashtags accordingly and share this with your stories.

Strategy Type


Strategy Day

Day 23

Recommended Caption (copy & paste)

[Write about your fact.]

[Write a call to action as well.]

Follow me for all things [CITY] & real estate πŸ‘

Buy | Sell | Lease | Invest

πŸ“± Your Number
βœ‰ Your email address
🌐 Your Website
🏒 Your Brokerage

Recommended Hashtags

#buyingahome #homebuying #sellingahome #sellyourhome #realestate #CITYrealestate #rentingvsbuying #homeownership

Recommended Caption (copy & paste)

[Write about your fact.]

[Write a call to action as well.]

Follow me for all things [CITY] & real estate πŸ‘

Buy | Sell | Lease | Invest

πŸ“± – Your Number
βœ‰ – Your email address
🌐 – Your Website
🏒 – Your Brokerage

Recommended Hashtags

#buyingahome #homebuying #sellingahome #sellyourhome #realestate #CITYrealestate #rentingvsbuying #homeownership