Notes & Instructions
Today’s strategy involves addressing frequently asked questions related to real estate that your audience or clients may have. Consider recording a brief video where you explain both the question and its answer. Alternatively, you can use a photo of yourself for this purpose. If opting for a video, include only the question in the video caption, leaving the answer for the video content. For a photo or graphic post, incorporate both the question and its answer in the caption. You can also create a carousel post featuring the question on one slide and the answer on the next. This would make a great TikTok, Reel, or YouTube Short. Be sure to use topic-relevant hashtags and don’t forget to share your post in your stories for additional reach.
Strategy Type
Strategy Day
Day 10
Notes & Instructions
Today’s strategy involves addressing frequently asked questions related to real estate that your audience or clients may have. Consider recording a brief video where you explain both the question and its answer. Alternatively, you can use a photo of yourself for this purpose. If opting for a video, include only the question in the video caption, leaving the answer for the video content. For a photo or graphic post, incorporate both the question and its answer in the caption. You can also create a carousel post featuring the question on one slide and the answer on the next. This would make a great TikTok, Reel, or YouTube Short. Be sure to use topic-relevant hashtags and don’t forget to share your post in your stories for additional reach.
Strategy Type
Strategy Day
Day 10
Recommended Caption (copy & paste)
[If you are using a photo write about the question and answer here. If you are using a video just place the question you will talk about.]
[Here are a few topics: “What are the difference between a lease, lease-option, and rent-to-own?”, “How do you plan on making sure the transaction is completed in a timely manner?”, “What are the difference between a contingent, as-is, and no-contingency contract?”, “How do you plan on addressing any potential issues that may arise during the transaction?”, “Should a seller get an inspection before listing the property?”, “How long will it take to sell my home?”, “Is there a reason my home’s assessed value differs compared to the market value?”, “Should I sell my current property before buying a new one?”]
Got questions? DM me or place your question in the comments ⬇
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Recommended Hashtags
Example Post

Lease, lease-option, rent-to-own: what’s the difference?
✔️ A lease is a legally binding agreement where a tenant rents a property from a landlord for a specified period of time.
✔️ A lease option is when a tenant rents a property with the option to purchase the property at a later date.
✔️ A rent-to-own is when a tenant rents a property with the option to purchase the property at a later date, with a portion of the rent going toward the purchase price. Understanding the differences between these types of agreements is important for both tenants and landlords.
Got questions? DM me or place your question in the comments ⬇
Follow me for everything Houston & real estate 👍
Buy | Sell | Lease | Invest
📱 (555) 555-5555
🏢 John Doe Realty
#questionsforrealtors #realestatefaqs #lease #leaseoption #renttoown #renting #homebuying #realtorlife #realestateinvesting #tenantrights #realtor #realestate #buyingahome #homebuying #homesforsale #houston #houstontx #texas #houstonrealtor #texasrealtor #houstonrealestate #houstonproperties #houstonhomes #livinginhouston
Recommended Caption (copy & paste)
[If you are using a photo write about the question and answer here. If you are using a video just place the question you will talk about.]
[Here are a few topics: “What are the difference between a lease, lease-option, and rent-to-own?”, “How do you plan on making sure the transaction is completed in a timely manner?”, “What are the difference between a contingent, as-is, and no-contingency contract?”, “How do you plan on addressing any potential issues that may arise during the transaction?”, “Should a seller get an inspection before listing the property?”, “How long will it take to sell my home?”, “Is there a reason my home’s assessed value differs compared to the market value?”, “Should I sell my current property before buying a new one?”]
Got questions? DM me or place your question in the comments ⬇
Follow me for all things [CITY] & real estate 👍
Buy | Sell | Lease | Invest
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✉ – Your email address
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🏢 – Your Brokerage
Recommended Hashtags
Example Post

Lease, lease-option, rent-to-own: what’s the difference?
✔️ A lease is a legally binding agreement where a tenant rents a property from a landlord for a specified period of time.
✔️ A lease option is when a tenant rents a property with the option to purchase the property at a later date.
✔️ A rent-to-own is when a tenant rents a property with the option to purchase the property at a later date, with a portion of the rent going toward the purchase price. Understanding the differences between these types of agreements is important for both tenants and landlords.
Got questions? DM me or place your question in the comments ⬇
Follow me for everything Houston & real estate 👍
#questionsforrealtors #realestatefaqs #lease #leaseoption #renttoown #renting #homebuying #realtorlife #realestateinvesting #tenantrights #realtor #realestate #buyingahome #homebuying #homesforsale #houston #houstontx #texas #houstonrealtor #texasrealtor #houstonrealestate #houstonproperties #houstonhomes #livinginhoustonBuy | Sell | Lease | Invest
📱 – (555) 555-5555
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🏢 – John Doe Realty