Notes & Instructions

Today’s strategy is to share some aspects of your work life with your audience. Record a video or snap a picture of you or your workspace. Share something about your day or something that happened. Be sure to share the post to your stories as well.

Strategy Type


Strategy Day

Day 13

Notes & Instructions

Today’s strategy is to share some aspects of your work life with your audience. Record a video or snap a picture of you or your workspace. Share something about your day or something that happened. Be sure to share the post to your stories as well.

Strategy Type


Strategy Day

Day 13

Recommended Caption (copy & paste)

[Share your story or experience at work]

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Recommended Hashtags

#worklife #workexperiences #funnyworkstories #adayinthelifeofarealtor #realtorlife

Recommended Caption (copy & paste)

[Share your story or experience at work]

Follow me for all things [CITY] & real estate πŸ‘

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πŸ“± – Your Number
βœ‰ – Your email address
🌐 – Your Website
🏒 – Your Brokerage

Recommended Hashtags

#worklife #workexperiences #funnyworkstories #adayinthelifeofarealtor #realtorlife